The Cranborne Chase farmer cluster is a network of farmers and landowners united by their passion for far-reaching and long-lasting environmental improvement and working hard to make improvements for wildlife such as habitat management and creation, as well as adapting their farming methods to encourage the regeneration of depleted soils and help rebuild local biodiversity networks.
Making connections with the people who enjoy this landscape as well as local community groups such as schools and conservation interest groups, is crucial to the success of the Cluster.
Wildlife does not thrive in isolation, so managing and connecting habitats across farming boundaries can deliver greater benefits.
Visit: https://www.cranbornechasefarmers.org
Biodiversity Focus
Farmland birds
(particularly Corn Bunting, Lapwing, Grey Partridge and Barn Owl), arable plants, beneficial insects, brown hare, harvest mice and hedgehog
Farmers' Key Issues
Committing to
medium and long-term changes in land use/land
management in a time of great change in agricultural
policy and support systems
Landscape Type
Arable & Livestock, Grassland
Average Farm Size
444 ha
Total Cluster Size
8440 ha
Cranborne Chase, Salisbury SP5 5RP, UK
Clare Buckerfield