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Farmer Cluster Network

Online Home 


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► Farmer Clusters: An Overview ↗

► Starting a Farmer Cluster ↗

â–º Managing a Farmer Cluster ↗

â–º Communication for Clusters ↗


Training Course 


â–º 'Landscape Leaders: Farmer Cluster Training Programme' ↗


Knowledge Tools 

Online Home


â–º Arriving on Recodo Autumn 2024  


Individual Tools 


â–º Citizen Biodiversity Observatory ↗

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► Farmland Ecosystem Assessment Support Tool ↗​

► DigiFarm Game ↗






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â–º Project Podcast ↗

► Video Abstracts ↗



Publications & Policy Briefs

Project Overview


â–º EU CAP Network ↗

â–º EU CORDIS â†—

â–º Open Access Repository ↗

► IOBC-WPRS Abstract ↗


Research Publications  


📄 Impact of sustainable land management practices on controlling water erosion events: hillslopes in the Czech Republic

 Journal of Cleaner Production â†— 


📄  The Use of Digital Platforms for Community-Based

Monitoring | BioScience â†—


📄 Connecting Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches in Environmental ObservingBioScience â†—


📄 Impacts of land consolidation on land degradation: A systematic review | Journal of Environmental Management â†—


📄 Monitoring Temporal Trends in Internet Searches for “Ticks” across Europe by Google Trends: Tick–Human Interaction or General Interest? Insects â†—


📄 The Concept, Practice, Application, and Results of Locally Based Monitoring of the Environment BioScience â†—


📄 Creating Synergies between Citizen Science and Indigenous and Local Knowledge BioScience â†—


📄 Farmers' decisions regarding involvement in conservation projects and communcation preferences: A case study of an EU H2020 project | MSc thesis, Liege Universite, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech | link incoming â†—


📄 Navigating Natural Capital and Inclusive Wealth for gaining sustainability and wellbeing for the farming community (businesses, supply chain and consumers | ESP â†—


📄 Spontaneous flowering vegetation favours hoverflies and parasitoid wasps in apple orchards but has low cascading effects on biological pest control | Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment â†—


📄 Does Increasing Farm Plot Size Influence the Visual Quality of Everyday Agricultural LandscapesInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health â†—


📄 The potential of citizen science to support local biodiversity sensitive farming systems: First insights from the FRAMEwork project | IOBC-WPRS â†—


📄 FRAMEwork – Experiences from the first year of the Czech Farmer Cluster to improve biodiversity in the agricultural landscape | link incoming â†—


📄 Data Sovereignty in Community-Based Environmental Monitoring: Toward Equitable Environmental Data Governance      BioScience â†—


📄 Citizen science in environmental and ecological sciences

Nature Reviews Methods Primers â†—


📄 Community monitoring of natural resource systems and the environment | Annual Review of Environment and Resources â†—


📄 Farmers' decisions shape agricultural biodiversity 

Teaduselt mahepõllumajandusele â†—


📄 Is the Abandonment of Organic Grassland a Threat to Alpine Insect Diversity? | Land â†—


📄 Can farmer-led innovation promote biodiversity and sustainable farming? | Aarhus University â†—


📄 Realising agrobiodiversity management across ecosystems with farmer clusters | Julius Kühn Institute â†—


📄 Farmers use citizen science practices to support biodiversity on land | Zenodo â†—


📄 The Contributions of Citizen Science to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Other International Agreements and Frameworks | Citizen Science Theory + Practice â†—


📄 Citizen science and farmer-led innovation at the frontiers of farming and biodiversity  | Zenodo â†—


📄 The potential of citizen science for Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services assessment in agri-environmental systems

Aarhus University â†—


📄 Processes and Tools for enabling Interoperability between Citizen Science and Expert Biodiversity Data in Agriculture




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