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Taskscape Associates

Framework On Film

Taskscape spent October on the road meeting Framework participants, capturing media content and more...

As partner for Communication, Knowledge Exchange & Participation, over four weeks Taskscape travelled by train and hybrid vehicle to visit project partners across the continent and to cover and present at ESP Europe 2022.

This involved working with researchers, facilitators and Agrifood businesses engaged in Framework's Farmer Clusters on the ground. It was a fantastic opportunity to capture media content for use at the ESP Conference, on the Foodlands podcast as well as for media being developed for Framework's online platform and to help advertise project resources.

Project activity was covered in:

- The Netherlands with UVA and the Flevolands Farmer Cluster

- Crete with HUTTON, GWCT, ESP and YESS

- Italy with SSSA, the Calci Farmer Cluster and Sportello Agroecologico

- France with INRAE, GRAB and the Basse-Durance Valley Farmer Cluster

40 interviews were conducted for communication, participation and knowledge exchange purposes.

From this content capture, three initial videos are being published. A video presentation was recorded and screened at the project’s session at ESP Europe 2022 drawing on interviews with Framework’s Dutch Farmer Cluster. The presentation covered Navigating Communication Around Natural Capital to Support Sustainability and Wellbeing Benefits in Farmer Clusters – considerations for the Agricultural Transition.

A further video on Framework's attendance at ESP, and the discussion and issues involved, was shared among the partnership and beyond via email and social media - successfully raising the profile of the project’s work and helping to expand audiences for it.

A short trailer was also developed from the footage to communicate the broad activities and contexts of the project. This video will be used on the landing page of the Framework website as well as elsewhere online as part of digital outreach. We look forward to further mining the content captured for media outputs in and working with partners to target impacts.

Overall, It was an incredibly fruitful trip with many useful conversations and activities captured. The Taskscape team found the historic Autumn drought in many of the regions we visited focused important discussions on developing more sustainable agriculture under challenging Global Heating conditions.



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