A cluster of twenty three olive growers meets for the first time to discuss biodiversity sensitive farming benefits for groves in Calci...

Together with Cluster Faciliatir Virginia Bagnoni, SSSA has set up the farmer cluster of about 15 local olive growers. On the 6th of May the first Farmer Cluster Meeting took place with all potentially interested olive-growers. The meeting was organised at the B&B of Mrs Ruschi (see picture). The entire SSSA team was present and 23 olive grovers participated.
Some were from adjacent areas but they are very interested in the initiative. For this reason we have set up a ‘two-level’ farmer cluster. The core group consists of olive growers with at least one grove in the study area. They will actively take part in the biodiversity-friendly landscape management activities. The others will take place in all meetings open to the wider public. Following this meeting, it was also decided to set up a control area, in Vicopisano, about 6 km away from Calci. We will perform all observation also in this area, but here, no active participatory land management will take place. If this project is a success, the group of farmers in this area, will constitute a new farmers cluster, or get connected to the Calci farmer cluster.
