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Mammal Mapping

Taskscape Associates

In our Cranborne Chase Farmer Cluster, several months of Citizen Science activities kick off with a focus on mammals!

© The Mammal Society UK

On the 2nd May, the Cranborne Chase Farmer launched their citizen science programme for the year with an event at Launceston Farm, training locals in monitoring small mammals.

The fifteen attendees looked at some of the small mammals observable in the local countryside and were introduced to the PTES methodology for small mammal monitoring and hedgehog surveys. This included a demonstration of the use of the Mammal Mapper app for recording any mammal sightings.

Participants were invited to undertake a survey of a 1km2 area within the cluster and three groups volunteered - one group has since submitted their survey results with more to come!

Farm sign | ©Taskscape Media

Launceston Farm is an organic, family-run establishment nestled in the Cranborne Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, covering 1,700 acres. Since converting to organic farming in 2008, it has focused on sustainable agriculture, maintaining a beef suckler herd, arable crops, and new woodland areas. They also offer eco-tourism options for accommodation and events.

Through the FRAMEwork project, Launceston has made interventions for habitat and agrobiodiversity supported by Cluster-level funding schemes coordinated by FWAG Cluster Facilitator Claire Buckerfield. Read more on this activity here.

Launceston Farm landscape from above | ©Taskscape Media

More Information

The People's Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is a UK-based charity founded in 1977, dedicated to the conservation of wildlife in Britain and overseas. PTES engages in research, practical conservation work, and education, supported by public involvement through surveys, volunteering, and donations.

Their efforts aim to support species undergoing a biodiversity loss crisis by addressing root causes of their decline, promoting sustainable coexistence, and informing land use. PTES's work is evidence-based, guided by scientific research and community engagement, to ensure effective conservation outcomes which bring different stakeholders together - a perfect fit for FRAMEwork's approach!

The PTES methodology for small mammal monitoring recommends deploying things like footprint tunnels and camera traps tailored to target species' unique behaviours and environments. They also recommend gathering animal movement and population dynamics information through surveys and, where feasible, tagging and tracking animals. For more, please see the guidlines PTES publish for specific species.

The Mammal Society is a UK-based organisation dedicated to the conservation of British mammals. They conduct scientific research, provide expert advice, and work to improve understanding and appreciation of mammals and their habitats. Their Mammal Mapper app is a citizen science tool designed for the land users to record sightings of mammals across the UK.

This app helps gather vital distribution data, contributing to conservation efforts by monitoring population changes and understanding the impact of environmental pressures on mammal species. It's a user-friendly way for people to engage in wildlife conservation directly.

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates on Citizen Science and community engagement from our Cranborne Chase Cluster!


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2020-2025 | © website by Taskscape

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This project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement No. 862731. 

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