Grassland tours for the Mostviertler Farmer Cluster provide an opportunity to spot species and discuss biodiversity-sensitive management techniques...

Cluster Facilitator Daniela Ablinger, HBLFA and Citizen Science Lead Gerid Hager, IIASA want to meet the Mostviertler Farmer Cluster in May to show them some opportunities how they may monitor their own grassland with the help of iNaturalist.
Daniela reports:
The purpose of this meeting was to make an approach to the farmers about the i-Naturalist App. AREC explained the monitoring and how the farmers could support it with their observations and the App and how important their support in monitoring was. IIASA explained how to install and use the APP.

Additionally, all participants went out on the fields to make observations, like the well-known BIO Blitzes. It was a great afternoon for the scientist and farmers due to the knowledge exchange and the interactive character of the meeting. Everybody really enjoyed being outdoor in the meadows!

To see the farmland biodiversity findings from this session, visit their iNaturalist profile!
