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Navigating the Digital Earth: Harnessing Technology for Sustainability

Project partner CREAF present on the project at the 13th Digital Earth Symposium in Athens, Greece.

FRAMEwork consortium partner CREAF recently had the opportunity to share insights into FRAMEwork’s approach to biodiversity monitoring and centralising datasets at an international event.  

In July 2023, the thirteenth International Symposium on Digital Earth was held in Athens. Its organisers, International Society for Digital Earth are an international NGO promoting academic exchange, innovation and international collaboration towards the concept of a Digital Earth. As part of their fascinating vision, the organisation looks to “make use of digital technologies to model earth systems, including its cultural and social aspects represented by human societies living on the planet” to achieve a “digitally-formatted Earth accessible directly through the internet-connected citizens of the planet”. 

The theme of this year’s symposium was "Earth intelligence to understand and protect our Living Planet" and it was the first to be held again in a fully face-to-face format. 

Researcher Joan Masó ( CREAF)  is a member of the International Society of Digital Earth (ISDE) council and chair of the Community of Practice in Interoperability for Citizen Science. He teamed up with his colleague Berta Giralt (CREAF) to participate in the symposium, presenting:

"Processes and Tools for enabling Interoperability between Citizen Science and Expert Biodiversity Data in Agriculture" 

In their presentation, Joan and Berta spoke about the FRAMEwork project and its objectives. They described Farmer Clusters and their role in biodiversity monitoring and Citizen Science data collection, referencing the FRAMEwork Data Hub and our goals around metadata harmonisation and quality control. 

When we caught up with Berta, she told us:

“Attending the various symposium sessions was truly insightful. I had the chance to learn a lot from the presentations covering a wide range of themes, from Digital Earth's role in Sustainable Development to discussions on Data, Science, and Technologies for Digital Earth.
“In the session “Monitor and protect biodiversity,” I found the MonVia Project (national monitoring of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes in Germany) particularly enlightening, as it shares connections with the work we do in FRAMEwork.”

Thank you to CREAF for representing FRAMEwork at such an inspiring occasion.

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