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  • Gonzalo Varas

Televised Town Hall

Mayor of Aguilar de la Frontera introduces Framework to the community...

On November 20th 2020, Framework project was presented in Aguilar de la Frontera town hall. In the presentation took part Carmen Flores (Aguilar mayor); Gonzalo Varas (facilitator FA); Francisco Javier Cano (FAC delegate), Cristóbal Reina (FC chair and Aguilar Hunting Association president) and Manuel Olmo (Agriculture and Environment councillor).

The presentation was recorded by local television and later was broadcast for all neighbours and issued on the YouTube channel Biodiversity sensitive agriculture.

Framework project presentation. From left to right – José María Navas (farmer), Manuel Olmo (councillor), Gonzalo Varas (facilitator), Carmen Flores (mayor), Cristóbal Reina (FC), Francisco Javier Cano (FAC) and Miguel Pérez(farmer).


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