Dr Benedetto Rugani
Life cycle sustainability analyst and Senior Research & Technology Associate at the Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) department within the RDI Unit on Environmental Sustainability Assessment and Circularity (SUSTAIN).
Dr Rugani's main research interest lies in the development of integrated system dynamics modelling approaches and decision support tools for the consequential and prospective assessment of life cycle impacts of economic activities on ecosystem services and natural resources. He has been the principal investigator of two international research projects (“VALUES” and “ESTIMUM”) funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund on these topics, and work package leader in the H2020 project “Nature4Cities”. Among others, he is the supervisor of three PhD students, and an author of 60+ peer-reviewed articles and 30+ conference papers. He serves as a reviewer for many international scientific journals in the environmental science field with medium to high impact factor. In FRAMEwork, Dr Rugani will mainly serve as Deputy Director of the project and Leader of WP7 (“Systems analysis and synthesis”).