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Work Package 6

Resources for Project Participants




Farmer behaviour and incentives will assess how the enrolment of farmers in the design and monitoring of new schemes influences the implementation of biodiversity sensitive farming approaches. A review of existing agri- environment schemes will assess their potential to incentivise biodiversity management by Farmer Clusters. Economic experiments and choice experiments will be used to develop new agri-environment payment schemes that allow innovative, place-based and system-specific management solutions to be rewarded. Pilot Clusters, as a living- lab, will guide experimental design and implementation, and act as a test-case for alternative payment-scheme designs. Focus will be on results-based payments, promoting spatially coordinated actions, interactions between public and private incentives and the role of labelling.


D38 Report on the impact of Cluster approach on Farmer's self-identity and behavior

D39 FRAMEwork Biodive game testing farmer's knowledge of biodiversity online

D40 Report on current and potential private incentives

D41 Review of existing public incentive schemes plus design options

D42 Report on results-based payments to promote agrobiodiversity

D43 Summary information notes and policy briefs

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2020-2025 | © website by Taskscape

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This project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement No. 862731. 

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